MP board 12th English त्रिमासिक पेपर 2021-22 के लिए Full Solution

MP board 12th English त्रिमासिक पेपर 2021-22 के लिए Solution

MP board Class 12th Trimasik paper solution 2021-22 | क्लास 12th अंग्रेजी त्रैमासिक पेपर के लिए Solution, 12 English paper solution trimasik Pariksha

MP board Class 12th Trimasik paper solution 2021-22 : दोस्तों आज हम आपको क्लास 12th के इंग्लिश त्रैमासिक पेपर के लिए  most important question का सलूशन लेकर आए हैं जो आपकी त्रिमासिक परीक्षा के लिए बहुत ही उपयोगी है यदि आपको समझ नहीं आ रहा है कि अपनी त्रिमासिक परीक्षाओं की तैयारी किस प्रकार करें तो आप बिल्कुल सही जगह पर आ गए हैं इस पोस्ट में आपकी त्रिमासिक परीक्षा के लिए  most important question solution सहित उपलब्ध है जिससे कि आप आसानी से अपनी पेपर की तैयारी कर सकते हैं। और साथ में आपको बताएंगे कौन कौन से टॉपिक में से आपका क्वेश्चन पेपर तैयार होगा और क्लास 12th इंग्लिश मासिक पेपर में कितने तक syllabus में से प्रश्न पूछे जाएंगे यह सभी जानकारी के लिए आप इस पोस्ट को पूरा जरूर पढ़ें।

त्रिमासिक परीक्षा का syllabus -

दोस्तों सभी के मन में यह प्रश्न जरूर आता है की हमारी त्रिमासिक परीक्षाओं में कितना सिलेबस आने वाला है किस खण्ड से कितने कितने पाठ आएंगे स्टूडेंट आपके इस सवाल का जवाब आपको यहां मिल जाएगा। आपके त्रिमासिक परीक्षा में पूछे जाने वाला english विषय syllabus कुछ इस प्रकार है-

MP board Class 12th Trimasik paper solution 2021-22 | क्लास 12th अंग्रेजी त्रैमासिक पेपर के लिए Solution, 12 English paper solution trimasik Pariksha

Class 12th English त्रिमासिक पेपर solution- 

सभी section में से महत्वपूर्ण पश्नो को आपके लिए लेकर आये है ये questions आपके त्रिमासिक, अर्द्धवार्षिक,  प्री-बोर्ड और वार्षिक सभी के लिए बहुत important है 


 Section. 'D'


Lesson - 1
The Last Lesson

( Writer - Alphonse Daudte)

Q.1. What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school that day?

Ans. That day Franz was expected to be prepared with participles because M. Hamel had said that he would question them on participles.

Q.2 What had been put up on the bulletin-board ?

Ans. An order had come from Berlin to teach only German in the chools of Alsace and Lorraine. The Germans had put up this notice on the bulletin-board. 

 Q.3. How did M. Hamel pay a tribute to the French language ?

Ans.  M. Hamel declared that French was the most beautiful language of the world. It was the clearest and the most logical of all the languages .He asked the people to guard it among themselves and never forget it. As long as people 'hold fast to their language' they have the key to freedom. Hence,they must love and respect their own language.

Lesson - 2
Lost Spring - Stories of stolen childhood

Q.1. What makes the city of Firozabad famous ?

Ans. The city of Firozabad is famous for its bangles. Every other family in Firozabad is engaged in making bangles. It is the center of India's  blowing industry. Families have spent generations working around fumes Melding glass, making bangles for the women in the land.

Q. 2 - What explanations does the author offer for the children not Wearing footwear ?

Ans. The explanation offered by the author is that it is a tradition to stay barefoot. It is not lack of money. She wonders if this is only an excuse to explain away a perpetual state of poverty. She also remembers the story of a petit boy who prayed to the goddess for a pair of shoes.

Q.3. What forces conspire to keep the workers in the bangle industry of Firozabad in poverty ?

Ans. The unfavourable social and legal system, moneylenders, the middlemen etc. keep the workers in the bangle industry of Firozabad in a poverty. Together, they impose a heavy burden on them.

Q. 4. Where has Saheb come from?

Ans. Saheb's mother said that once they lived in Bangladesh. They lived amidst the given fields of Dhaka. Natural calamities like cyclonic storms made their lives unbearable. They swept away their fields and homes. They were ruined. That is why they had to leave their fields and homes. They came to the big city and settled down in Seemapuri.

Lesson - 3
Deep water

(Writer - william Douglas)

Q.1. How did Douglas overcome his fear of water?

Ans. Douglas took the help of an instructor to learn swimming. who worked on his fear very methodically. For three months, he was taken across the pool with the help of a rope. The instructor taught him to exhale underwater and inhale through raised nose. He made him kick his legs to make them relax. After about six months, Douglas could not only swim well but was also free of his fear to a great extent. He swam alone in the pool. He swam two miles across Lake Wentworth and the whole length to the shore and back of warm lake. Thus, he overcome his fear of water.

Q.2. How did the experience of throwing by the bully affect him?

Ans. The experience of turning him in deep water by a bully boy had a lasting effect on Douglas. It revived unpleasant memories and his fear of water. It ruined his fishing trips. It deprived him the joy of a boating ands wimming. The fear of water held him in its grip. He never went back to that pool.

Lesson - 4
The Rattrap

~Selma Lagerlof

Q.1. Why was the crofter so talkative and friendly with the peddler?

Ans. The crofter, an old man without any family, was happy to get someone to talk to in his loneliness. He was also quite generous with his confidences.

Q.2. Why did he show the thirty kronor to the peddler ?

Ans. The crofter had told the peddler that by supplying his cow's milk to the creamery, he had received thirty kronor in payment. The peddler seemed to doubt it, so, in order to assure him of the truth, he showed the thirty kronor to the peddler.

Q.3. What doubts did Edla have about the peddler ?

Ans. As Edla lifted the peddler's hat, he jumped abruptly and seemed to be quite frightened. Even her kind looks, disclosure of her name and purpose of visit failed to calm him. From his fear, she thought that either he had stolen something or he had escaped from jail.

Q.4.When did the ironmaster realise his mistake?

Ans. Next morning, the peddler was cleaned and well dressed. The valet had bathed him, cut his hair, and shaved him. He wore a white shirt and a starched collar and whole shoes which belonged to the ironmaster. It was impossible to mistake him for an old acquaintance now in broad day light.

Flamingo: poetry

Poem - 1
My mother at sixty-six

Kamala das

Q.1. Why has the mother been compared to the 'late winter's moon' ?

Ans. The poet's mother is sixty-six years old. Her shrunken ashen' face resembles a corpse. She has lost her shine and strength of youth. Similarly, the late winter's moon looks hazy and obscure and lacks shine and strength.

Poem - 2
An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum

~ Stephen Spender

Q.1. Tick the item which best answer the following.

(a) The tall girl with her head weighed down means-

The girl

(i) is ill and exhausted

(ii) has her head bent with shame

(iii) has untidy hair.

Ans. (i) is ill and exhausted.

(b) The paper-seeming boy with rat's eyes means-

The boy is

(i) sly and secretive

(ii) thin, hungry and weak

(iii) unpleasant looking.

Ans. (ii) thin, hungry and weak.

(c) The stunted, unlucky heir of twisted bones means-

The boy

(i) has an inherited disability

(ii) was short and bony.

Ans. (i) has an inherited disability.

(d) His eyes live in a dream, A squirrel's game, in the tree room other than this means-

The boy is

(i) full of hope in the future

(ii) mentally ill

(iii) distracted from the lesson.

Ans. (i) full of hope in the future.

(e) The children's faces are compared to 'rootless weeds'-

This means they

(i) are insecure

(ii) are ill-fed

(iii) are wasters.

Ans. (i) are insecure.

Q.2. What does the poet Stephen Spender want to be done for the children of the school in the slum ?

Ans. The poet wants these children to be removed from the dirty surroundings. New and open surrounding would provide ideal conditions for their learning.

They will then land in a world full of progress and prosperity. There will be no social injustice.

Poem - 3
Keeping Quiet

~ Pablo Neruda

Q.1. What will counting upto twelve and keeping still help us achieve?

Ans. Counting up to twelve takes very short time. Keeping still for this brief interval of time, gives us momentary pause to introspect and review the course of action

It is generally observed that most of the ills and troubles of the world are caused by our rush or hurry.

Q. 2. Why does the poet ask us to keep still ?

Ans. Too much rush and activity has only brought misfortunes to mankind. Hence it is better to be quiet and still. 


Lesson - 2

The Tiger King

Q.1. Who is the Tiger King ? Why does he get that name?

Ans. The Maharaja of Pratibandpuram was called the Tiger King. This is because, at the time of his birth, the astrologers declared that the prince would have to die one day. The ten-day-old prince asked the astrologers to reveal the manner of his death.

The wise men were baffled at this miracle. The chief astrologer said that his death would come from a tiger. The young prince growled and uttered terrifying words: 'Let tigers beware!' He decided to kill the tigers. He, thus, got the name 'Tiger King'.

Q. 2. What was the Maharaja's first priority in marriage ?

Ans. The Maharaja asked the dewan to collect statistics of tiger population in the different native states. Then he should find out if there was a girl, he could marry in the royal family of the state with a large tiger population. Evidently, his first priority is the tiger.

Q.3. Why did the Maharaja order the dewan to double the land tax?

Ans. Maharaja went out to find the hundredth tiger to hunt as at hillside village but the tiger could not be found. So, in anger, he ordered the dewan to double the land tax for the villagers of that village.

Lesson - 3
Journey to the End of the Earth

Q.1. What are the indications for the future of humankind ?

Ans. All thoughtless activities of humankind, such as increasing cities and megacities, cutting forests and turning those concrete jungles, careless burning of fossil fuel, depleting ozone and increasing carbon dioxide, global warming, melting ice caps and shields, our battle with other species for limited resources and other similar reckless activities point to a grim future for humankind.

Q.2. What was the purpose of the visit to Antarctica?

Ans. The purpose of the visit to Antarctica was to have a first- hand knowledge and experience about our earth. It was to understand the significance of Cordilleran folds, Ozone and Carbon. The aim was to see glaciers retreating and ice shelves collapsing. It was to realise how real was the threat of global warming and depletion of the ozone layer.

Q. 5. What are 'phytoplanktons'?

Ans. The microscopic phytoplankton are tall grasses of the sea. They nourish the entire Southern Ocean's food chain. They are single-celled plants.

They use the sun's energy to assimilate carbon supplying oxygen. They synthesize organic compounds and cause photosynthesis.

Lesson - 4
The Enemy

Q.1. Who was Dr. Sadao ? Where was his house ?

Ans. Dr. Sadao Hoki was an eminent Japanese surgeon and scientist. He had spent eight valuable years of his youth in America to learn all that could be learnt of surgery and medicine there. He was perfecting a discovery which would render wounds entirely clean.

Dr. Sadao's house was built on rocks well above a narrow beach that was outlined with bent pines. It was on a spot of the Japanese coast.

Q. 2. Where did Dr. Sadao and Hana meet?

Ans. Dr. Sadao and Hana met in America at a professor's house by chance. Hana was a new student and Sadao felt he would love her if it were at all possible. But he had waited to fall in love with her until he was sure she was Japanese. They were married as per the old Japanese way.

Q. 3. How did Dr. Sadao help Tom, the white man to escape ?

Ans. Dr. Sadao decided to give his private boat with food and clothes in it. He could row it to a little island near the coast. He told the white man to wait for the Korean fishing boat. In this way, Dr. Sadao helped Tom to escape to freedom.

Section - C


Fill in the blanks-

i)   you are talking ..........unnecessary thing.

Ans.  An

ii) Mr. Sharma is ............. M.L.A.

Ans.  An

iii). Gold is ............ Precious metal.

Ans.  A

Iv)  ............... Knowledge is very dangerous.

Ans.  A little

V) Have you .......... Complaint against us.

Ans. Any

vi) .............that glitters is not gold.

Ans. All

vii). I have in my pocket.

Ans.  Some

viii) She ..............not help laughing at the joker.

Ans.   Can

xi). We ............ Execute your plan at once.

Ans.   Can

x) You.......not see the principal now

Ans. Can

xi) The bus........come late

Ans.   May

Xii). lift this box for me ?

Ans.   Could

xiii). The sky is overcast. It .........rain any time.

Ans.  May

xiv). We.......... have gone if they had  invited us to dinner.

Ans.   Might

Q.  Do as directed.

i)  His father teaches her Hindi.

( Change into simple past tense)

Ans.   His father taught her Hindi.

ii). I have no any friends.

(Correct the sentence)

Ans.  I have no friends

(iii) Earth turns on its axis.

(Rewrite using suitable article where necessary)

Ans.  The earth turns on its axis.

iv.  She committed a mistake.

( Change into negative)

Ans.  She did not commit a mistake.

v.  He knows me well.

( Change into passive voice )

Ans. I am well knows to him.

(Vi) When Kiran called I was (sleep).

(Use the correct form of the verb and rewrite the sentence.)

Ans.   When Kiran called I was sleeping

Vii).  An honest man is trusted by all.

( Change into active voice )

Ans.  All trust an honest man.

Section B

'Poster making'

1. You are the social secretary of your school. The school is organising a Science Exhibition from 17 to 23 December, 2009. It will be open to everybody from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Design a poster to be put up in front of various schools for publicity.


Q.2. You are secretary of the cultural activities of your school. Write an attractive notice giving information about the selection of two participants from your school to take part in the inter-school debate competition.


Selection in Inter-School Debate Competition 20 Jan., 20....

The cultural club is organising an inter-school debate competition on the occasion of Republic Day. Two participants are to be selected to represent the school. Interested candidates should contact me on or before 25th Jan. at the Cultural Hall between 1p.m. to 2 p.m.

Mohan Das.     

Cultural Secretary

Formal letter

Q.3. You are Y. Dubey of 30, Tirupati Colony, Indore. You are a member of the same club as Mr. G. Naik. Write a reply telling him that you will not be able to come because you would be out on tour on that date .

As you are not a close friend, your reply should be formal. Write the reply.


30, Tirupati Colony,


Mr. and Mrs. Y. Dubey thank Mr. and Mrs. G. Naik for their kind invitation to a reception followed by a dinner on the occasion of thes daughter's wedding on 5 June, 20..., but regret that they will not be able to come as Mr. Dubey will be out on tour on that date. They wish the bride and bridegroom a long and happy married life.


Q.4.  Using the following input produce a write-up on 'A Train Accident':

(1) A bus collides with a train; (2) Location, time, date of accident; (3) Casualties and relief; (4) Dead and injured and reactions; (5) Blood donors; (6) Help of local people and high authorities.


A Train Accident

Today, at about 11 a.m. one bus collided with a running train. The accident occurred on a level crossing near village Nipania. The bus was running rapidly. The driver thought that he would cross the level crossing before the train arrives, but the train arrived and gave a great blow to the bus.The bus was overturned and it fell into a dry stream. There were many stones there. About 3 persons died on the spot, while 15 were injured seriously. Soon many people arrived and took the injured to a nearby hospital. Several person offered their blood to be needy patients. The high district authorities too arrived. Local people also offered their services. Really it was a serious accident.

Essay writing

1. Science in the Service of Man


Science in Daily Life


Our Daily Life and Science


Man's Journey of Life and Science


Wonders of Science

Introduction -  The question that haunts a lot of people in our country is : Is a regular study of science a pre-requisite for cultivating scientific temper ?

The Scientific Approach— Before we try to answer this we need to ask and answer two more questions.

What is science ? And what is this scientific temper which our founding fathers wanted us to cultivate ? Science, as we understand it today, originated in the west in the form of alchemy which was the medieval form of chemistry concerned particularly with converting base metals into gold or finding universal elixir. Later, Sir Isaac Newton, an English mathematician and physicist, laid the foundation of classical physics. He was the greatest single influence until Einstein. The scientific method that evolved under his influence consists of (a) observation and recording of data, (b) generalisation and framing a hypothesis, and (c) experimentation to validate the hypothesis. If experimental proof supported the hypothesis, it was treated as a valid theory. Now, experimental proof is subject to human knowledge and standards of measurement available at the time.

         Hence, as time went by, older theories yielded place to newer ones. An example is Dalton's Atomic Theory. It assumed that matter is made up of small indivisible particles called atoms. And it dominated for nearly a century. That it wasn't the case was amply demonstrated by the atom bombs in 1945.

The Conclusion-  It is this aspect of scientific approach which is of utmost importance. It lays down that science does not claim to have the ultimate answer. Hence students and practitioners of science cannot afford to be dogmatic. This implies that a person who depends on reason to believe or not to believe something and is not dogmatic in his approach will be thought of as having scientific temper. And for this it is not necessary to pursue a regular study of science as this is the core of our Indian tradition.

2.  Covid -19 : Effect on Teacher's and Students Life

Introduction -  Since 2020, it is a new world for teachers students of virtual lectures and worksheets. The long lockdown for the Covid-19 pandemic has closed schools, colleges and other educational institutions.

E-learning poses a challenge to both teachers and students over teachnology. It is keeping everyone busy with wok-sheets, video-lectures and assignments.

Effect on Teachers Life - Teachers were trained to take classes as in traditional manner. Most teacher were not technically trained and equipped with their personal laptops. Most teachers find it difficult to cope with online teaching. Lack of familiarity with technology forced them to seek help from their children to set up apps and deal with technical problems as it was important for them to provide quality education to their students.

Role of Institutions - Some institutions are uploading lectures on You-Tube while some are deploying on 'Swayam Prabha Portal' which has lectures on DTH to help students. Most of the state governments have adopted to Zoom app and Google classrooms.

Effect on Students Life - Initially students were happy about the lockdown, they were enjoying the whole day playing games, watching movies till night. Schools and colleges all were closed gradually online classes started. There was a complete change in the situation of the class's atmosphere. After a month, students realised that this virus is not a blessing to students. They took time to adjust to online mode of education.

Advantages -  Students can use their quality time in studying and the other activities in which they are interested. They can spend time with family, grandparents and cousins, as everyone is doing working from home. They can watch movie together and do craft work. They can plan for their future. Time of transportation, sports, chatting with friends was saved.

Disadvantages  - Online classes affect the eyes of the students due to long hours in front of the screen. In online classes, the adoption rate is 40-50% whereas in classroom it used to be 80-90%. The small children do not have the ability to sit for a longer time. Poor children do not have access to laptops and computers. There are no exams which will affect the future of children.

Conclusion- Because of COVID-19 pandemic, children are glued to computers and smart phones. It is unfair to expect the same level of concentration and involvement as in the classroom. Since the whole family is at home, parents are also working from home as well. This pandemic has disturbed the whole education system.

Section "A"

Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions given below :

The Jataka Stories recount the many previous births of the Buddha in human and animal lives. In all there are 547 stories, originally told by the Buddha to his disciples. They were written down in Pali Language around 400 B.C. and absorbed into the Buddhist Canon not long ago after his death. The stories show the progression of his lives through many incarnations, gradually acquiring the wisdom, selflessness and thoughtfulness which eventually lead to enlightenment. In each birth he performed some meritorious deed to bring him spiritual progress. Here is one of his stories.

              A hare once lived in the forest with his animal friends, the jackal, the otter and the monkey. The animal respected the hare as he was wise and gentle. One day he said that they should all fast and give whatever food they gathered to whoever needed it. So the monkey found ripe mangoes, the jackal found a Lizard and a pot of milk and the otter found a fish. But the hare could not find any food and vowed that if anyone is hungry, he would offer him his own body. His tremendous vow was heard by the earth herself, who told Sakka, Lord of the devas. He decided to test the hare.

               Sakka entered the forest disguised as a beggar and asked hare for food. 'Please eat my body' the hare replied without hesitation.

       So Sakka built fire and the hare willingly ran into the flames. Feeling no pain, he rose upto heaven. In gratitude Sakka drew an image of hare on the moon for everyone to see and remember the hare's selfless sacrifice.


(a) Jataka stories are related to the previous incarnations of -

(i) Lord Krishna

(ii) Mahaveer

(iii) Dattatraya

(iv) Gautam Buddha.

(b) The stories are written in ................ Language.

(i) Sanskrit

(ii) Pali

(iii) Prakrat

(iv) Awadhi.

(c) The wise animal was

(i) Monkey

(ii) Otter

(iii) Hare

(iv) Jackal.

(d) Sakka entered the forest in disguise of

(i) a beggar

(ii) a monk

(iii) a fakir

(iv) a peasant.

(e) The Jataka Stories contain...... stories-

(i) 547

(ii) 457

(iii) 754

(iv) 745.

(f) Word previous relates to-

(i) Present

(ii) Past

(iii) Future.

(g) Monkey found ......... as food to be given to needy person.

(i) Bananas

(ii) Guavas

(iii) Ripe mangoes

(iv) Oranges.

(h) The Jataka stories were written in-

(i) 400 A.D.

(ii) 400 B.C.

(iii) 420 A.D.

(iv) 420 B.C.

(i) What reward did Sakka give to hare for his self sacrifice.

(j) What do the Jataka Stories show?

Answers :-

(a) (iv), (b) (ii), (c) (iii), (d) (i), (e) (i), (f) (ii), (g) (iii), (h) (ii).

(i) Sakka rewarded hare for his self-sacrifice that Sakka drew an image of hare on the moon for every one to see.

(j) Jataka stories show the progression of Buddha through many incarnations gradually acquiring the wisdom, selflessness and thoughtfulness which eventually lead to enlightenment

Note- making and abstraction

Pollution is the fouling of the environment, land, water and air by waste, smoke, chemicals and other harmful substances. The most serious pollution occurs where there are large cities and many factories. As factories produce new goods for people to buy old ones are thrown out with household rubbish. Burning the refuse pollutes the air, dumping it in rivers and seas pollute the water and rubbish tips are unpleasant sights and take up much needed space. Getting rid of plastics is particularly difficult. Wood and paper decay after sometime but plastics never decay. The world's oceans have been used as dustbins with millions of tonnes of rubbish being dumped into the sea every year harming marine life. If too much untreated sewage is poured into the seas, lakes and rivers from sewers, the water can no longer dilute it. All the oxygen in the water is used up and the fish die.

            Smoke from factories, chimneys and exhausts, gases from motor vehicles pollute the air. Chemicals in the air combine with moisture to make acids which eat away stone and brick and so damage buildings. Carbon monoxide gas and other substances given out by the engines of cars and buses can damage people's health. Ridding our world of pollution is an unimaginably big task.

Questions :-

A. Make notes in points from the given passage, using abbreviations, where necessary with title.

B. Write a summary of the above passage in about 60 words.


A. (a) Title -  Environmental Pollution.

(b) Notes - 1. Pollution fouling of land and air by waste, smoke and other harmful substances.

        1.1 Water pollution caused by throwing rubbish intoriver and seas.

        1.2. Air Pollution by burning the refuse.

2. Disposal of plastics : Very difficult.

3. Dumping of rubbish and untreated sewage in seas : Very

harmful for fish and other sea animals.

4. Smoke emitting factories and vehicles damages buildings

and destroy people's health.

5. Ridding world of pollution : difficult task.

B. Summary-  Pollution is the fouling of environment. In large cities many factories make most serious pollution. Burning the refuse pollutes the air, dumping it in rivers and seas pollutes the water and rubbish tips take up much needed space. Getting rid of plastics is very difficult. The world oceans used as dustbins harming marine life. Smoke from factories and chimneys pollute the air. Ridding our world of pollution is an unimaginary big task.

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MP board 12th हिन्दी त्रैमासिक पेपर Solution 2021-22 IMP

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NOTE. -. दोस्तों उम्मीद करते हैं आपको यह पोस्ट अवश्य पसंद आई हो इस पोस्ट में आपके लिए इंग्लिश के आवश्यक प्रश्नों का समावेश किया गया है इस पोस्ट को अपने सभी दोस्तों में अवश्य शेयर करें और आपको यह पोस्ट कैसी लगी हमें कमेंट करके अवश्य बताए।

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